The 6T Card is the pass card for the itinerary of La Ruta del Cister Trail GR175 and nice souvenir.
The 6T Card is completely free and can be downloaded and printed by clicking HERE.
Once you have stamped all the boxes, you can scan both sides and send them by email to info@larutadelcister.info together with your personal details, ID number and mobile phone number. Afterwards, you will receive an electronic notification with the 6T DIPLOMA which certifies that you have completed La Ruta del Cister Trail GR175 on foot or by mountain bike.
You will find a small box of the seal point in each village through which the route passes.
- Santes Creus (Aiguamúrcia) - Outside the old Pere el Gran Hostel
- El Pla de Santa Maria - outside the Town Hall
- Figuerola del Camp - Sant Jaume Cooperative (inside the portal)
- Prenafeta - Next to the source of Prenafecta
- Montblanc - Outside the Tourist Office
- Sant Joan de la Muntanya Chapel - Inside the chapel
- Poblet (Vimbodí i Poblet)- Under the porches of the monastery cafeteria
- L'Espluga de Francolí - Outside the Tourist Office
- Blancafort - Outside the Pool Bar
- Solivella - Outside the Town Hall
- Montblanquet - Outside the Social Local
- Vallbona de les Monges - Outside the Town Hall
- Rocallaura - Back of the Social Local. On Catalonia Avenue
- Belltall - Outside the Centre d'Interpretació de l'All. Baixa Road.
- Forès - Outside the Municipal Shelter
- Rocafort de Queralt - Inside the Portal of the Coguler
- Montbrió de la Marca - Under the portal of the Plaça Mayor
- Pont d'Armentera - At the door of the Local Cultural in Plaça del Pou