En família


En família

En família

Anglesola car space

Interesting collection of cars, garrisons and cars, as well as old tools on the ground. Recreation of two trades already missing and intimately lin…

Urgell, Anglesola
Bicycle rental Mestre Bike

Rental service for anyone who wants to enjoy a break in the area. You can come and browse the bike at the establishment, or you c…

Urgell, Tàrrega
Cal Ball in la Guàrdia d'Urgell

Rural farmhouse that offers, among other activities, mountain bike routes and hiking for its guests.

Plaza de la Torre, 24 -25331 La Guàrdia…

Urgell, La Guàrdia
Candela's basket

Discover the secrets of the old quarter and help Candela fill her basket with the solutions to all the riddles hidden in the historic center of the…

Alt Camp, Valls
Capona Road of Pla de Santa Maria

The Pla de Santa Maria area has a large concentration of dry stone buildings that defy the passage of time, and which are the testimony of a bygone…

Alt Camp, Pla de Santa María
Cart and horse routes with Experiències Rurals

At Experències Rurals we offer a whole range of activities to enjoy nature and encourage respect and care for animals with your family.


Alt Camp, Nulles