Royal Monastery of Santes Creus


Royal Monastery of Santes Creus

Royal Monastery of Santes Creus

De dimarts a diumenge, inclosos els festius. De l'1 d'octubre al 31 de maig: 10-17.00h (última projecció de l'audiovisual és a les 16.30h). De l'1 de juny al 30 de setembre: 10-18.30h (última projecció de l'audiovisual és a les 18h). Dies
6€ i 4€ entrada reduïda (pensionistes, carnet jove, estudiants amb carnet internacional, família nombrosa o monoparental, grups no turístics de 10 persones o més.
Contact and reservations
Tel. 977 63 83 29 / /

The Royal Monastery of Santes Creus is located on the banks of the Gaià River. It is a Cistercian monastic complex founded in 1158, which had a monastic life until 1835. The church houses the royal tombs of Peter the Great, James II and his wife Blanca of Anjou, and the Admiral Roger de Llúria. The plan organizes the spaces according to the needs of the community, spaces where visitors can relive past monastic life: the chapter house, the dormitory, the Gothic cloister or the church, among others. They also have the option of viewing the scenographic and audiovisual installation "The Cistercian World".

Information about the visit:
• Prior reservation is required to take the guided tour here.
• Doors open every Tuesday from October to June. Free admission.

NOTICE: Main Cloister partially closed for restoration.