La Ruta de la Capona, the art of dry stone

La Ruta de la Capona, the art of dry stone
La Ruta de la Capona allows you to discover an amazing and magnificent past and heritage, showing the visitor the art of dry stone and the luster of a land. Knowing the importance of these buildings is the best recognition to peasantry, so many anonymous hands that made these true works of art possible, admirable for its simplicity and beauty. 

The itinerary is 1.7 km along completely flat paths, some sections of which coincide with the GR-Ruta del Cister. It is a walk that is suitable for all visitors. 
The starting point of the route has a parking. 

The route includes the following buildings:
- Barraca de l'era de la Capona
- Barraca de la Capona 
- Cossiol de la Capona 
- Arneres
- Barraca de l'Augé 
- Barraques de cal Grauet 
- Cossiol del Soleta 
- Barraca de les oliveres 

Plaça de la Vila, 1
977 630 006
Codi postal: 
For guided tours you need to contact 977 630 006
Ruta de la Capona- l'Art de la pedra seca.jpg