Tourist service companies

The club offers the possibility of learning about riding in all its areas (cleaning, preparation, riding ...). Service available after five years and...
We are a company of archeologists and historians dedicated to the management of historical heritage from three aspects: archeology, study and...
Casa rural que ofrece rutas BTT y senderismo para sus huéspedes.Plaza de la Torre, 24-25331 La Guàrdia d'Urgell (Tornabous)973 570 325 - 669 604...
Tel: 650 980 456Mail: cequitaciomontblanc@gmail.comweb: Camí del Pinatell. A uns tres kilòmetres de...
Ctra. de Prenafeta43400 - MontblancTel. 672.676.180clubhipicconcadebarbera@gmail.comActivitats que pots fer: Cursets extraescolarsPassejades amb...
Drac Actiu is a company specialized in offering various services activities combining sport, recreation, health and culture.Organized sport ...
The facilities include a field of practice, putting green, aproach area, bunquer area, golf shop, golf school and cafeteria.Opening hours: Summer,...
Equestrian center located in Les Puelles (Agramunt), where you can enjoy an unbeatable natural environment and magnificent routes in the counties of...
Itinerari forestal terapèutic MindfulnessPer què la natural redueix l’estrès?Les teràpies de la naturalesa s’encarreguen de regular el sistema...
Servei de lloguer de bicicletes BTT a particulars que volen gaudir d'aquesta zona privilegiada a cavall de l'Urgell i les muntanyes de la Serra del...
