
The Palace of Marquis of La Floresta is a XIII century building whose façade of Romanesque civil. The rationale is because the family Ardèvol,...
Urgell, Tàrrega
The original parish church of the village of Mont-ral is dedicated to St. Peter ad Vincula, is of Romanesque style and kept in good condition the...
Alt Camp, Mont-ral
Located on the hill that dominates the Sitjar village, where you can see a vast territory extenció. It is a historic monument, declared a National...
Urgell, Preixana
Alt Camp, Montferri
The church was built at the end of the century XVII following a change in the late Gothic to the Baroque, on the floor of a former temple walls some...
Urgell, Montclar d'Urgell
The old altarpiece painted and gilded wood plateresque was done between 1617-1660. Involved in the construction of various artists: the carvers...
Alt Camp, Valls
The parish church of Sta. Magdalena neo-Romanesque style of the late nineteenth century (1890). The bell tower is a building of 1817, approximately....
Alt Camp, La Masó
Santa Maria is a Romanesque church Agramunt documented in the late eleventh century. The two gates of the south facade are a fine example of Catalan...
Urgell, Agramunt
This is where the monks gather to celebrate the acts of the community, as the election of the abbot or the delivery of habits to novices. It consists...
Conca de Barberà, Vimbodí i Poblet
One of the portals of the ancient wall of Roquefort, also known as portal to Serral provided access to the road leading to this village. It is half a...
Conca de Barberà, Rocafort de Queralt
The town rises on a hill on the banks of the River Zion, to 336 m high. The configuration of the streets and the constant presence of walls indicate...
Urgell, Agramunt
The recreation area is located below the Rio Anguera gorxa encaixonada the river below the village of Pira, over the bridge. This area is dedicated...
Conca de Barberà, Pira
